General Assembly
of the Church of God
in Michigan

"equipping local congregations
to extend the Kingdom of God"


General Assembly of the Church of God in Michigan


Section 1. The name of this organization shall be the General Assembly of the Church of God (Anderson, Indiana) in Michigan (hereafter referred to as the Assembly), a Michigan Non-Profit Corporation, with administrative offices at 4212 Alpha Street, Lansing, Michigan, 48910.

Section 2. In the event of liquidation or dissolution of this organization, its property, real and personal, shall be used by the Church of God Foundation in Anderson, Indiana as an endowment to support pastors and congregations in the state of Michigan until the time when the funds can be used to reestablish a state ministry for the Church of God in Michigan.

ARTICLE II - Purpose

Section 1. It shall be the purpose of the Assembly to create and maintain ministries to strengthen and support the work of the local congregations of the Church of God in Michigan.

Section 2. It shall determine the general purpose and policies of the ministries under its jurisdiction as defined in these bylaws.

Section 3. Through its ratified or appointed members, it shall serve as a liaison between local churches and national agencies of the Church of God, or in cooperation with national agencies and Michigan churches.

Section 4. It shall represent the Church of God in Michigan and the ministries of this Assembly in legal matters.

Section 5. It shall provide for the collection and expenditure of funds for its ministries as defined in these bylaws. The Assembly's fiscal year is January 1 through December 31.

Section 6. It shall establish and hold all capital and reserve funds for the general work of the Assembly and for the various ministries of the Assembly. Capital and reserve funds shall be released by the Board of Directors to the ministries when the plans of Assembly ministries are approved by the Board of Directors, or by the Assembly.

Section 7. It shall hold title to real and personal property, and receive all wills, bequests, and gifts for the Assembly of the Church of God in Michigan, or for any of the ministries of this Assembly.

ARTICLE III - Duties and Powers

Section 1. This organization shall have the authority and power to carry out all duties and responsibilities as directed by its membership in accordance with the purpose as stated in Article II.

Section 2. This organization shall have all the powers inherent in a voluntary fraternal fellowship pertaining to membership and sanctions; and power to make recommendations to its membership and to its congregations in matters of doctrinal emphasis, relationships, organizational patterns, and local church policy.

Section 3. This organization shall not have the power to establish statements of faith and order, to impose uniform church policy, to exercise ecclesiastical authority either over the congregation, nor over the clergy except as herein provided.

ARTICLE IV - Membership

The membership of this organization shall be:

A. The pastor of each congregation within the state of Michigan.

B. The members of all the recognized ministries and committees of this organization.

C. The associate pastors/ministers called by each congregation on a full-time or part-time basis.

D. One layperson chosen as an official representative by each Michigan Church of God congregation with an average weekly attendance to 100; two laypersons from each congregation with an average weekly attendance of 101–500; three laypersons from each congregation with an average weekly attendance of 501–1000; and four laypersons from each congregation with an average weekly attendance of 1,001 and above.

E. All Ordained/Licensed/Commissioned ministers who reside in Michigan and whose names appear on the approval list of ministers of the General Assembly of the Church of God in Michigan.

F. All past Chairs of the Michigan General Assembly who reside in Michigan and attend Church of God Congregations.

G. One delegate as appointed by each recognized Camp Meeting Association within the state.

ARTICLE V - Officers

Section 1. Officers

A. The officers of this organization shall be chair, vice-chair and secretary.

B. The chair shall obtain the office by succession from the office of vice-chair. By virtue of the office he/she shall be chair of the Board of Directors.

C. The vice-chair shall be ratified each year. By virtue of the office he/she shall be vice-chair of the Board of Directors. When a vacancy occurs, the vice-chair will assume the responsibility of the chair throughout the remainder of the term, and will proceed to the office of chair of the Assembly at the change of the year.

D. The secretary shall be ratified for a term of three (3) years. By virtue of the office he/she shall be recording secretary of the Board of Directors.

E. The officers of the Assembly and State Pastor of the Assembly will serve as the Executive Committee of the Assembly and of the Board of Directors.

F. Should a vacancy occur in the offices of vice-chair or secretary of the Executive Committee, that vacancy shall be filled by the Business Committee subject to approval by the Board of Directors.

G. The duties of these officers other than those described above shall be as contained in Robert’s Rules of Order.

ARTICLE VI - Board of Directors

The executive functions of this organization shall be assigned to a Board of Directors. It shall act in matters pertaining to the powers and duties of this Assembly when it is not in session.

Section 1. Purpose

A. It shall be the responsibility of the Board of Directors to promote, coordinate and unify all the programs, plans and finances of the ministries created by the Assembly, and serve as the Budget Committee for the Assembly. It shall periodically review the policies and programs of its ministries and make recommendations to them.

B. It shall plan for the raising of funds for the Assembly and its ministries and shall disburse these according to the budget approved by the Assembly. It shall provide for an independently audited financial report to the Assembly in its annual meeting.

C. It shall serve as the Executive Council of the Church of God in Michigan, to represent it in legal matters. Acting for the Assembly it shall negotiate the acceptance, the purchase, or the sale of real property.

D. It shall act as a repository for all legal documents for its ministries and for archives of the Church of God in Michigan.

E. It shall have the prerogative to call for reports at least annually from any of its ministries.

F. In case of vacancies in the ministries, when more than six (6) months remain in an unexpired term, the Board of Directors will be responsible to appoint members to serve the unexpired term. If more than one-half (1/2) of the unexpired term remains, this shall be considered a full term for the one appointed.

Section 2. Membership and Tenure

A. The Board of Directors shall be composed of:

(a) the Chair, Vice-Chair, and Secretary of the Assembly;

(b) the State Pastor;

(c) Chair of Church Health Ministry;

(d) Chair of Pastoral Health Ministry;

(e) Chair of Credentials Ministry;

(f) Chair of Youth Ministry;

(g) President of the Women of the Church of God in Michigan;

(h) President of the Men of the Church of God in Michigan;

(i) Chair of other ministries designated by the Assembly;

(j) four (4) members to be ratified at large by the Assembly for terms of three (3) years with not more than the terms of two (2) members-at-large expiring in any one (1) year period;

(k) the Assembly Chair from the previous year as an ex-officio member.

B. The chair of any new ministry created by the Assembly may become a member of the Board of Directors by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the Assembly.

C. Every ministry will have the responsibility of appointing an alternate member to serve in the event that the chair is unable to attend any meeting of the Board of Directors.

D. State Associate Ministers ratified by the Church of God in Michigan shall serve as ex-officio members without vote on the Board of Directors in an advisory capacity representing their respective areas of responsibility.

E. The Board of Directors will ratify any person in a position designated as a member of the Board of Directors that has not previously been ratified by the Assembly because of special circumstances in their appointment.

Section 3. Officers

A. Chair. The Chair of the Assembly shall serve as Chair of the Board of Directors.

B. Vice-Chair. The Vice-Chair of the Assembly shall serve as Vice-Chair of the Board of Directors.

C. State Pastor. The State Pastor of the Board of Directors shall be employed by the Board for a term of five (5) years; and his/her employment shall be ratified by the Assembly. The State Pastor shall be the Resident Agent of the Assembly Corporation. Where appropriate and responsible authorization is given the State Pastor shall be responsible to sign all legal documents for the following kinds of transactions on behalf of the Assembly: (1) The buying or selling of real property; (2) the acceptance of life estates; (3) the accepting and releasing of funds or property held in trust; (4) the receiving of gifts, wills or bequests. His/her signature alone will be regarded as sufficient to represent the Assembly provided authorization has been given for the particular transaction either by the Assembly, the Board of Directors, the Executive Committee of the Assembly, a local church or the principal individual involved. The State Pastor shall file a record of all proceedings of the Board of Directors. He/She shall ensure receipt and disbursement of all state congregational offerings, gifts, bequests, and wills designated for the Assembly as directed by the Board of Directors. He/She shall promote the program of the Assembly in Michigan. He/She shall be an ex-officio member without vote, of all ministries of the Assembly. He/She shall be responsible for whatever duties the Board of Directors shall assign to him/her and be under contractual agreement to the Board of Directors.

D. Secretary. The Secretary of the Assembly shall be the Secretary of the Board.

Section 4. Executive Committee

A. Membership. The Executive Committee of the Assembly will be the Executive Committee of the Board of Directors.

B. Duties. The Executive Committee will meet when called by the State Pastor or the Chair of the Assembly between regular sessions of the Board of Directors.

They shall be responsible to take any action needed to implement the program of the Assembly.

They shall act for the Board of Directors in negotiating the acceptance, the purchase, or the sale of real property.

They shall report all action taken to the Board of Directors at the next meeting of the Board. The minutes of the Executive Committee shall be ratified by the Board of Directors.

C. The State Pastor shall be an ex-officio member of the Executive Committee.

D. The Assembly Chair from the previous year shall be an ex-officio member of the Executive Committee to provide continuity in the transition of leadership.

Section 5. Security

The Board of Directors shall provide sufficient bond to insure the safety and security of all monies.

The Board of Directors and all Ministry Committee members are indemnified for action taken against them in the pursuance of their duties as assigned by the Assembly, Board of Directors, Committees or Task Forces.

Section 6. Relation to Professional Staff

The Board of Directors shall have the authority to appoint a search committee for the calling of the State Pastor and other professional staff ratified by the Assembly.

The Board of Directors shall provide for support and growth in ministry for the professional staff.

In case of any conflict with professional staff, the Board of Directors will follow the Galatians 6:1 and Matthew 18:15-18 guidelines for restoration. Upon two-thirds (2/3) vote of the Board of Directors, professional staff may be dismissed for just cause. The Board of Directors shall determine the timetable and remuneration plan for the dismissal.

Section 7. Meetings

A. The Board of Directors shall meet at least three (3) times a year. Special meetings may be called at any other time by the Executive Committee.

B. At all meetings of the Board of Directors a two-thirds (2/3) majority of the Board of Directors shall be necessary and sufficient to constitute a quorum for the transaction of business, and action by the board at a meeting shall be upon vote of a majority of the Directors present at any meeting of the Board at which a quorum is present. Directors participating in a meeting of the Board by means of a conference call, video conference, or such other means that allow for each participant to hear and be heard by each other participant at the same time, shall be deemed present at such meeting.

C. Any action required or permitted to be taken at any meeting of the Board of Directors may be taken without a meeting provided that a two-thirds (2/3) majority of the Directors consent thereto in writing or by electronic transmission. Any such action shall only be effective upon a vote either in writing or by electronic transmission of a majority of the Directors. Such actions shall be recorded in the official minutes of the Board of Directors.

Section 8. Quorum

A quorum shall consist of two-thirds (2/3) majority of the members of the Board of Directors.

Section 9. Voluntary Participation

A. The dates of regular meetings of the Board of Directors will be announced in appropriate media.

B. Any member of the Assembly may attend any Board meeting with notice given to the State Pastor and the Assembly Chair. If necessary due to the confidentiality of matters being addressed, a meeting can be a closed-door session by vote of the Board.

C. Volunteers shall have the privilege of the floor with NO VOTE.

D. No mileage will be paid.

ARTICLE VII - Ministries and Committees

The ministries and committees are agencies of the Church of God in Michigan and are directly responsible to the Board of Directors, which is designated as the executive arm of the General Assembly of the Church of God in Michigan.

The continuing work of this organization shall be carried on by its ministries and committees. Their powers and duties are contained in these Bylaws which have been ratified by the Assembly. Working policies may be developed by the ministries, the committees or the Board of Directors. All policies are to be approved by the Board of Directors, and kept with all bylaw and policy documentation for the Church of God in Michigan.

Section 1. Ministries

A. Church Health

The purpose of this ministry is to promote church health and development.

B. Pastoral Health

The purpose of this ministry is to provide care and support systems to credentialed ministers of the Church of God in Michigan, and to his/her family.

C. Credentials

The purpose of this ministry is to provide the certification of congregations and ministerial credentials according to the manual adopted for such purposes by the Assembly.

D. Youth

The purpose of this ministry is to challenge, enlist and train young people for their Christian witness in the world.

Section 2. Ministry Structure

A. Membership

  1. Personnel

Each ministry shall consist of seven (7) members ratified by the General Assembly of the Church of God in Michigan at its Annual Meeting. The State Pastor and/or staff persons will serve as ex-officio members without vote.

Exceptions to the personnel requirements:

    1. The Credentials Ministry shall be composed of seven (7) ordained ministers.

    2. The Youth Ministry shall also include representation or a chairperson of each of the taskforces under the ministry. The Director of Youth Ministry or staff liaison from the Church of God in Michigan shall serve the ministry. Ex-officio members will be the following persons: un-elected representatives from taskforces, Director of Youth Ministry and/or staff liaison from the Church of God in Michigan.

  1. Nominations

Candidates for membership shall be members of the Michigan General Assembly and its churches. The candidates shall be nominated by the Business Committee of the Assembly.

  1. Tenure

Members shall be ratified for terms of three (3) years. Ratified members may serve no more than two (2) consecutive terms. Terms shall expire on alternate years, so that no more than three new members are ratified in one year.

  1. Vacancies

In case of vacancies in the ministry, when more than six (6) months remain in an unexpired term, the Board of Directors will be responsible to appoint an individual to serve the unexpired term. If more than one-half (1/2) of the unexpired term remains, this shall be considered a full-term for the one appointed.

B. Officers

  1. Titles

The officers of each ministry shall be the chair, vice-chair and secretary.

  1. Election and Term of Officers

    1. The officers shall be ratified from the ministry members.

    2. All officers shall be ratified for a term of one (1) year, and shall hold office until their successors are ratified.

  1. The duties of the officers shall be those usually pertaining to their respective offices, especially:

    1. The chair shall preside at all meetings of the ministry as its chief administrative officer. He/She shall be a member of the Board of Directors of the Michigan General Assembly.

    2. The vice-chair shall perform the duties of the chair when the chair is absent or unable to serve as outlined in Robert's Rules of Order, Newly Revised.

    3. The duties of the secretary shall be to keep the minutes and the records of all meetings of the ministry and to perform such other duties as may be required. A copy of all minutes shall be filed with the office of the Assembly.

C. Meetings

  1. Each ministry shall meet as often as necessary to fulfill its services. Regular meetings shall be held at such times and places as the ministry may determine except that at least three (3) meetings shall be held each year.

  1. Special meetings may be called by the chair of the ministry upon ten (10) days written notice to each member. He/She shall also call special meetings upon the written request of four (4) members of the ministry. All requests and notices for special meetings shall briefly state the purpose of the meeting.

  1. A majority of the members of the ministry shall constitute a quorum.

  1. Members are expected to attend all ministry meetings or notify the chair in case of their inability to do so. If it is necessary to replace members who are deceased, who have moved out of the state, or who do not carry out their obligations to the ministry, such appointments will be made by the Board of Directors of the Assembly. (see Article VI, Section 1-F.)

D. Task Forces

  1. A task force is a group appointed to perform a specific task with accountability to the ministry or committee that created it.

  1. The ministry shall appoint the chairperson of each task force annually. The chairperson of each task force in cooperation with the ministry shall recruit task force members.

  1. The ministry shall ratify task force members annually.

Section 3. Committees

A committee is a standing group responsible for ministries and operations with accountability to the Board of Directors and the Assembly.

A. Executive Committee

The officers of this organization shall constitute an Executive Committee. By virtue of their office, they shall serve as members on the Board of Directors. They shall have those powers and duties pertaining to the conduct of the Assembly Sessions. (See Article VI, Section 4.)

B. Business Nominating Committee

1. A Business Committee of five (5) members shall be ratified by the Assembly at its annual meeting. They shall serve for terms of three (3) years with no more than two (2) members' terms expiring during any one (1) year. It shall be the duty of the Business Committee to review all matters of business presented to the Assembly, and to initiate the presentation of all business necessary to the Assembly.

2. This Committee shall also serve as a Nominating Committee and present to the Assembly at least two (2) names for the election of officers of the Assembly and Business Nominating Committee positions on the ballot, and one (1) name for ratification of all other positions on the ballot. Members who have served two (2) consecutive terms on any ministry are not eligible for re-nomination to that ministry for a period of at least one (1) year. A person may serve in only one ratified position at a time. This Committee shall meet at least fifteen (15) days prior to the annual meeting. This Committee will provide a list of proposed candidates for approval by the Board of Directors before presentation to the Assembly.

C. Program Committee

1. A Program Committee shall be composed of five (5) members, four (4) ratified by the Assembly; and the Vice-Chair of the Assembly who will serve as chair. The State Pastor will serve as an ex-officio member. The ratified members shall serve terms of three (3) years, with no more than two (2) members' terms expiring during any one (1) year.

2. This Committee shall be responsible for arranging programs of the Assembly meetings for mutual counsel, advice and edification of Christian leadership. The main speaker for the annual meeting shall be engaged at least two (2) years in advance. This Committee will also be responsible for the publicity of the annual meeting.

  1. Personnel Committee

1. A Personnel Committee of five (5) members shall be ratified by the Assembly at its annual meeting. They shall serve for terms of three (3) years, with no more than two (2) members' terms expiring during any one (1) year.

2. This Committee shall be responsible for the review and evaluation of all staff and office personnel, and for the administration of all human resource policies for staff. This Committee will make recommendations on personnel matters for approval by the Board of Directors prior to the annual meeting of the Assembly.

E. Audit Committee

1. An Audit Committee of five (5) members shall be ratified by the Assembly at its annual meeting. They shall serve for terms of three (3) years, with no more than two (2) members' terms expiring during any one (1) year. The State Pastor will serve as an ex-officio member. The Accountant/Bookkeeper will serve in consultation to this Committee as necessary.

2. This Committee shall be responsible for ensuring that appropriate procedures are implemented for managing the Assembly finances and for reporting to the Board of Directors.

Section 4. Programs, Finances and Relationships

A. Any ministry employing full-time or part-time personnel must secure the approval of the Board of Directors.

B. Each ministry will submit a program budget in time for adequate consideration by the Board of Directors and adoption by the Assembly.

C. All ministries will supervise their programs in accordance with the Bylaws and policies of the General Assembly of the Church of God in Michigan.

D. All monies raised by ministries will be in support of the budget. Bookkeeping and accounting will be managed by the Assembly office.

E. Endowments will be managed by the ministry most closely related to that endowment's purpose guided by the Board of Directors.

Section 5. Reports

All ministries and committees created by this organization shall present reports as requested by the Board of Directors. An annual report shall be made to the Assembly which shall include statements of activities, finances and projection of the future activity.

ARTICLE VIII - Affiliate Organizations

The Women of the Church of God in Michigan and the Men of the Church of God in Michigan shall be considered affiliated organizations. Their work shall be governed by their own Bylaws and policies. Copies of their bylaws are kept for reference with all bylaw and policy documents for the Church of God in Michigan. The chair or presidents of these organizations shall be members of the Board of Directors of the Assembly. The State Pastor of the Assembly or an officer of the Assembly shall serve as an ex-officio member of the affiliated organizations for the purposes of communication, coordination, and unity.


The terms of all positions shall be from the close of the meeting during which they were ratified to the close of the meeting at which their successors are ratified.

ARTICLE X - Meetings

Section 1. Meetings

A. The Assembly shall meet annually at the place determined by the Executive Committee of the Assembly. "Place and manner" is defined to include meetings conducted and attended in person, online, and/or by telephonic and electronic devices.

B. The meeting shall occur on the first Friday and Saturday of November, or at some other time if designated by the Assembly.

Section 2. Special Meetings of the Assembly

Special meetings may be called by the Board of Directors upon thirty (30) days written notice to the membership. The Board of Directors may authorize the calling of a special meeting of the Assembly upon a written request of twenty-five members. Such requests should be made in writing to the Board of Directors stating the purpose of the meeting.

Section 3. Quorum

The presence of delegates at a duly called meeting of the Assembly shall constitute a meeting of the Assembly.

Section 4.Voting Procedures

Voting on Assembly matters may take place in any regular or special meeting, as well as via U.S. mail and/or electronically in a manner in keeping with the spirit of Robert's Rules of Order. The method of voting on any given issue or business shall be determined by the Board of Directors.

Section 5. Amendments

These Bylaws may be amended by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the members present and voting at any regular or special-called meeting of this Assembly, provided that no amendments shall be adopted on the day on which said amendment is proposed; or by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the members present and voting at any special meeting provided a copy of the proposed amendment(s) and notice that action will be taken thereon, are mailed to the membership at least thirty (30) days prior to such scheduled special meeting.

Section 6. Parliamentary Procedure

The authority in all issues concerning parliamentary procedure not specified by these Bylaws shall be the current edition of Roberts Rules of Order, Newly Revised.

Adopted in a Special Meeting of the Assembly, June 4, 1966. As Amended October, 1968; October, 1969; October 1973; November 1977; Reprinted in 1984; Amended November, 1985; November, 1986; November, 1987; November, 1988; November, 1995, November, 1997; November, 2003; November, 2005; November, 2008; November, 2009; November, 2011; November 2012; November 2014; November 2016; November 2017; November 2021.