General Assembly
of the Church of God
in Michigan

"equipping local congregations
to extend the Kingdom of God"

Marriage Information

2014 GA Resolution Regarding Same-Sex Marriage and Facility Protection

The Church of God and Same Sex Marriage The controversy over who can be married or not is a hot topic politically, socially, and spiritually. Because of a recent Supreme Court Ruling the Church of God has made a stand on the sanctity of the family and marriage. Below are links to documents that will be helpful to Pastors and Churches to protect them from law suits and to make clear where the Church of God stands. Our present National Credentials Manual has been revised to make performing a marriage for a same-sex couple reason to lose ones credentials. It is important to review the documents linked here and set in place appropriate bylaw revisions that will protect both pastors and churches.

Informational Links

1993 and 2004 General Assembly Resolutions Regarding Homosexuality

August 2014 Communication to the Regional Pastors re the 2014 GA Resolution

FAQs to Accompany the Communication to the Regional Pastors re the 2014 GA Resolution

Resolution Ministerial-Facility Protection Against Forced Officiating-Hosting of Same-Sex Marriages adopted by the 96th General Assembly of the Church of God - June 26 2014