Church of God in Michigan
July 2024
eAction Newsletter


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Rev. Mark Richardson

Luke 13:10-17 (NLT)
One Sabbath day as Jesus was teaching in a synagogue, he saw a woman who had been crippled by an evil spirit. She had been bent double for eighteen years and was unable to stand up straight. When Jesus saw her, he called her over and said, “Dear woman, you are healed of your sickness!” Then he touched her, and instantly she could stand straight. How she praised God! But the leader in charge of the synagogue was indignant that Jesus had healed her on the Sabbath day. “There are six days of the week for working,” he said to the crowd. “Come on those days to be healed, not on the Sabbath.” But the Lord replied, “You hypocrites! Each of you works on the Sabbath day! Don’t you untie your ox or your donkey from its stall on the Sabbath and lead it out for water? This dear woman, a daughter of Abraham, has been held in bondage by Satan for eighteen years. Isn’t it right that she be released, even on the Sabbath?” This shamed his enemies, but all the people rejoiced at the wonderful things he did.

Dear Friends:
In the 1940’s, Nat King Cole and Irving Mills wrote a humorous song made immensely popular by the Nat King Cole Trio called Straighten Up and Fly Right. If you aren’t familiar with it, the lyrics go like this:

A buzzard took the monkey for a ride in the air.
The monkey thought that ev'rything was on the square.
The buzzard tried to throw the monkey off his back,
but the monkey grabbed his neck and said, now, listen, Jack:
Straighten up and fly right,
Straighten up and fly right,
Straighten up and fly right,
Cool down papa, don't you blow your top.
Ain't no use in divin', what's the use of jivin'
Straighten up and fly right;
Cool down papa, don't you blow your top.
The buzzard told the monkey, you're choking me.
Release your hold and I'll set you free.
The monkey looked the buzzard right dead in the eye and said,
“Your story sure is touching, but is sounds just like lies.”
Straighten up and fly right
Straighten up and stay right
Straighten up and fly right
Cool down papa, don’t you blow your top.
Fly Right!

As humorous as that secular song was, it has some interesting parallels to what Jesus did and said in the scripture above. That song came to mind as I was preparing this article, it’s as if I could hear Jesus saying to the folks involved, straighten up and fly right. Many things happened in the lead up to Jesus’ encounter in the synagogue that day.

Jesus was somewhere between Bethany and Jerusalem, having been on an extended time of teaching and healing. He was preparing to face the cross, and He shared many powerful parables and lessons about the Kingdom of God and His mission as the Savior. He went into a synagogue one Sabbath, as He did many times during His work here on Earth, where He saw this woman come in who was bent over completely and had been that way for 18 years. He immediately called her over to Him and pronounced her healed from her infirmity. He touched her and she straightened up fully and praised the Lord with everything she had in her.

Can you imagine how liberated she felt after having to walk around bent over for 18 years. The scriptures indicate that it was the devil that had afflicted her this way, indeed, Jesus indicated so when He dealt with the Jewish leaders. In His encounter with them some interesting questions emerge that challenge us to effectively represent Christ in the hurting and confused world in which we live and are called to serve. How will we answer them as we represent Jesus Christ?

First of all, What Do We Recognize and Honor? Jesus recognized and honored this woman in three important ways. He recognized and honored her worth as a person. He didn’t ignore her as I imagine many did who saw her year after year in that condition. He recognized and honored her determination to keep coming even though the very effort to walk bent over for 18 years was probably excruciating. He also honored the fact of her belonging as a daughter of Abraham. Friends, do we recognize and value those we see around us, the lost, the broken, the cast out or cast down among us, and those that no one else seems to honor or even want around? Do we recognize and honor the fact that no matter how lost, broken, cast out or down people are, the Lord took the time to knit them together in their mothers’ wombs. He loves them, and He wants each of them to receive the blessings of redemption that we have received. We need to know that the Lord Jesus Christ blesses those that value what He values.

Secondly, How Are We Leveraging Our Investments? Jesus was disappointed at the response of the synagogue official and their leaders for criticizing Him and for chastising the people to come during the six days allotted for work and not on the Sabbath. They seemed to be ignoring the challenges they had overcome throughout their history. They had a history of incredible experiences: their bondage and release from Egypt; their wilderness experiences; their conquest of the promised land; their history of rebellion and punishment; their enslavement to Babylon, the Medes, Persians, and Greeks, and now the Romans. Yet through all of that they had the freedom to gather and worship. They didn’t seem to understand the value of all they had invested as a people and look to leverage it. Ironically, a people who experienced God’s incredible investments of compassion for them were blind or hardened in their hearts to the real needs of compassion right in front of them. Jesus called them on it. Jesus said that they worked on the Sabbath to care for their animals’ needs, but they weren’t willing to invest some compassion for someone right among them, just because it was the Sabbath. What He said stressed the importance of investing compassion into the lives of hurting people, even if it is on the Sabbath.

If you look at our lives as a series of investments, how are we leveraging them? How are we investing our time, money, efforts, heart burdens, ministries which have gotten us to where we are today? Are we investing our testimonies, our experiences, the lessons we’ve learned, the opportunities we have to impact those who are bent over by the years of life’s rigors in our very families and communities? We have an incredible storehouse of compassion from the glorious presence of the Lord in our lives that can make a world-transforming difference in the hurt and brokenness of the culture around us. Many of us make those investments, and trust me, they are appreciated. Thank you for all you do. Yet, I challenge us all to tap further into God’s compassion to lift the culture around us higher for Jesus Christ.

Lastly, What Do We Expect From Our Sabbath Worship? The Jewish Leaders in that synagogue seemed to really put stock in how sacred the Sabbath was, and this certainly honors the commandment of God. They had long-established sets of rules and regulations. They honed in on their rituals for what should happen on the Sabbath. They had solidified all of their conventions for how the Sabbath process should be exercised, and they were determined to do Sabbath right, bringing punishment on anyone who didn’t do what was prescribed. But Jesus took it right to the heart of the matter, and He chided the Jewish leaders for their hypocrisy in caring more about their animals than the people, and it hit hard. He also challenged them to consider what the significance was in their Sabbath worship. “This dear woman, a daughter of Abraham, has been held in bondage by Satan for eighteen years. Isn’t it right that she be released, even on the Sabbath?”

They were confronted by Jesus with exactly the same thing that confronts us in the church today. What do we really expect from our Sabbath Worship? Is it about routines, rituals, regulations, and conventions? Is it about the right kind of music we have? Is it about the right kind of preaching, praying, offerings? Or do we hope that when we come together that we will connect with the Lord, in the fullness of the Godhead… Father, Son, and Holy Spirit? Do we want to plug in to the presence, power, and purpose of the Lord when we gather and do what we do? Do we want to hear a Word from the Lord, and perhaps receive the healing that many so desperately seek?

Do we want to experience a touch from the Lord that will straighten us up to rejoice when life and the work of the enemy have us bent over for what seems like forever? Do we want to experience the blessings of liberty that only Jesus can bring when we truly are in His presence? These are the blessings of Sabbath Worship that we ought to expect when we come together. Through this great encounter it’s as if Jesus was telling the woman and the hurting around us, “straighten up,” for that which had bent you over has been removed. And it’s as if He is telling us church folks, “fly right,” so that the compassion of the Lord can flow through us into the lives of those who desperately need it.

Friends, in this crazy culture that is so divided and angry, hurting, upside-down and growing increasingly estranged from the compassion of Jesus Christ, the Church of God has a great opportunity to straighten up and fly right.

With love,
Rev. Mark K. Richardson, State Pastor


Recommended Accommodations:
Holiday Inn Express & Suites Fort Wayne North
10040 Diebold Road, Fort Wayne, IN 46825
Rates: $105.00 for two queens

Reservations: You can reserve rooms by using this link. You can also call the hotel and make reservations over the phone. Use this number (260) 498-8915) and tell them you are with the Launch 32 Conference/Healthy Growing Churches.

**Reservations must be made by July 29th, 2024. After that date, the discount and code will no longer be valid.


Register: Registration is FREE so plan to bring your whole team! You can register today at this link.


Church of God Ministries:
   Harvest Foundation - Kissimmee, FL


Church of God Ministries offered us an opportunity to experience a retreat for pastors and spouses at a tremendous facility in Kissimmee, FL this August, sponsored by the Harvest Foundation. the Harvest Foundation is committed to very generous support of pastors and their spouses. They are providing an opportunity for pastors and spouses to completely step away. It is a great time for rest, time with their spouse, and time for connecting with other pastors. They are making possible to a limited number of Church of God pastors an opportunity to stay at the Omni Resort at Champions Gate (Kissimmee, FL) on August 26-30, 2024. The entire facility will host only pastors and their spouses. Lodging at the resort and one meal per day is provided. Travel costs will be up to the pastors.

Potential participants can go to their website ( to sign up. It is not a guarantee, but they will select several to attend.


View Our BMWC Promotional Video
Jim Walters, Director,, (317) 698-5186

Healthy Marriage Healthy Church

Perhaps your congregation is in need of professional, Christian mediation concerning conflict. Perhaps your church could benefit from training in Crucial Conversations and how to share even difficult information with others without doing damage. We can help with that through Rev. Chris Cottrell, who is very well trained and experienced in helping churches through these difficult challenges. His information and contacts are included below. Another good thing to keep in mind is that Chris is a native Michigander, and he always loves to come back home.

Placeholder Image
Rev. Dr. Christopher Cottrell

Contact: Rev. Dr. Christopher Cottrell, (937) 621-2162

learn more
Alma, First Church of God
Barryton, Barryton Church of God
Lansing, Pennway Church of God
Saint Johns, First Church of God
Cassopolis, First Church of God (Bi-Vocational Pastor)
Detroit, Church of God of Detroit (youth pastor)

Interested? Contact - Rev. Mark K. Richardson, State Pastor


Alma Church of God | Alma, Michigan
Currently seeking a Senior Pastor

Alma Church of God is a vibrant, healthy, and growing congregation. We are seeking a Senior Pastor who can help us build upon our strengths, discern the next chapter of our mission, help us chart the course, and take the steps we need to pursue the vision.

Our next Senior Pastor fosters encounters with Jesus by:
Encountering Jesus Changes Everything.
• Preaching sermons that are dynamic and relevant
• Casting vision for the mission
• Activating the church to impact the local community and beyond
• Equipping and empowering leaders to lead
• Leading with authenticity, courage, and integrity
• Caring for every generation
• Celebrating and cultivating generosity
• Investing in staff and helping them thrive

We believe all of life is packed with potential to encounter Jesus.
Our next Senior Pastor helps people discover how to live with this alertness in daily life.

We believe God loves Alma and the surrounding communities.
Our next Senior Pastor helps us discover how to join our lives to God’s love for the world.

Our commitment to our Senior Pastor:
• Full-time compensation with benefits package
• Prayer support and encouragement
• Care for our pastor’s family
• Support for healthy life and ministry rhythms
• A wonderful church to call home

Download: Senior Pastor Profile and Church Profile


First Church of God | Saint Johns, Michigan
Currently seeking a full-time pastor

St. Johns is a small town in Michigan once known as the "hub" of Michigan for its location in the center of the lower peninsula. The city is also known as "Mint City USA" for the annual Mint Festival and parade held in August to celebrate its mint-farming legacy. Traditional mores and family solidarity are dominant in the community.


St. Johns Church of God

This congregation has been growing for over 100 years and is dedicated to consistent growth and open to change.
We have worshipped and served God at our current location since 1974.
Our present facilities were constructed mostly through the combined service and work of congregants.
The congregation is financially healthy.
The congregation is at its best when it is working together in God-focused unity.
The congregation enjoys gathering in various ways, including Sunday morning pre-service coffee hour, an annual July 4th fireworks viewing party for the community, and annual summer picnics and Christmas banquets.
The church organization is led by a Board of Directors with the pastor as executive.
The Board works in partnership with the pastoral staff to embody the character of Christ.
In February 2023 NXTStep Church Services completed a full church assessment. The Church Assessment Report is available on the church website at

Pastoral Call

We recognize a pastor as someone who feels and is actively pursuing a calling.
We believe God is preparing the person who will be our next pastor.Suspendisse pulvinar mi at hendrerit gravida
We are seeking God's leadership in guiding us to that person.
We are seeking a full-time pastor who:

- Willingly submits to spiritual guidance.
- Is credentialed, or is willing to enter the process of being credentialed, by the Church of God Credentials Committee.
- Has or is seeking appropriate education in the biblical, theological, and practical aspects of ministry.
- Understands the importance of technology to contemporary church worship and outreach.


Pastoral Character

We believe that the character of a pastor is vital and must reflect scriptural guidelines.
We are seeking a pastor who:

- Biblically teaches with the capacity to engage the hearts and minds of those seeking God, and to educate and challenge toward spiritual growt
- Is a Holy Spirit disciple of Jesus who emphasizes prayer and biblical soundness.
- Is a community-minded leader who actively engages in ministry inside and outside the church walls.
- Is a listener who is able to provide congregational care.
Is able to see and respond to people with compassion, care, and sound instruction.
- Is a good communicator.
- Has emotional intelligence and a commitment to on-going personal growth and maturity.
- Is genuine, nonjudgmental, and humble.
- Provides visionary leadership and is willing to take risks and go where God leads.


Contact Us


Pastor John Davey (Interim Pastor), (989) 763-0399 or Sarah Young


First Church of God | Cassopolis, Michigan
Bi-Vocational Pastor - Job Description


The Big Picture -
The Cassopolis church is a small fellowship of dedicated believers seeking a lead pastor that is energetic, has a passion for and will help and guide its people in reaching the lost in the
community we serve. His or her focus will center on preaching, leadership, pastoral care and
personal witness.


The Church -
The Cass church is a welcoming one - that seeks to glorify God and live out the love of Christ
through worship, fellowship, discipleship and sharing the good news. Our church is proud of its many years of history and undeniable desire to serve those in need in the community. The
people of this church are aware of the challenges of a bi-vocational pastor and understand that a person has limitations. The lead pastor and leadership team will work together to set
priorities, assignments, boundaries and team support.


The Community -
Cassopolis is located along the Michigan state line 20 miles north of South Bend, Indiana. In recent years the downtown community and Stone Lake area has been revitalized by The Imagine Cass Project which sought to transform the entire community. While serving as the county seat, this quaint village has a historic atmosphere and is a great place to establish strong family values. In addition, a major new industrial park is currently in process just outside of town. The village, farm country and large Diamond Lake offers some unique opportunities and challenges.


Requirements/Qualifications -

Personal call to pastoral ministry
Qualified to minister in the church as required in 1 Timothy 3:1-7, Titus 1:5-9
Committed to living and serving consistent with scripture and the Church of God
Licensed and ordained in the Church of God, Anderson, Indiana or be in the process of licensing and ordination.
The ability to communicate through the preaching ministry and lead people to life changing experiences.
Possess strong leadership and communication skills, necessary to identify, seek out and build relationships in the community, as needed, to enhance outreach efforts, partnerships and ministries.

Duties and Responsibilities -

To proclaim the gospel of Christ and to teach the Bible in a way that communicates well.
To provide leadership and cast vision joining together with the people of the church to develop plans and programs for forward growth.
Work and serve with the Leadership team in future endeavors and choosing of additional members of Adult/Youth Ministries.
To facilitate regular contact/visitation of church families.
To officiate at weddings, funerals, and any other significant church events as well as serving as a representative of the church at significant community events.

Position Summary -
We seek an energetic and enthusiastic lead pastor who feels a divine call to pastoral ministry
upon his or her life. The lead pastor needs to have a heart for serving and a passion to share
the good news of the gospel in order to see lives transformed. We expect that the person
accepting this position would feel God's call to our congregation.


The Compensation -
This is a part-time position. Salary and benefits will be determined based on experience and
education of the successful candidate and in line with the current recommendations contained in the budget.


Please send resume to Dennis Wooden,, and Mike Grice,

For any questions or more information please contact Dennis Wooden at 517-937-5568


Church of God of Detroit | Detroit, Michigan
New Position - Emerging Generation Pastor

Position Overview the Emerging Generation Pastor will be a champion for children, youth, young adults, and their families as a part of the larger community and ministry of the Church of God of Detroit. It is this pastor's responsibility to direct, encourage, and oversee the various ministries connected to her/his position.

Align Ministries Develop Leaders Give oversight to the formation of leaders in the emerging generation ministries

Working Relationships
The Emerging Generation Pastor is directly accountable to the Senior Pastor. The Emerging Generation Pastor is a member of the ministry staff/team.

Personal Attributes
Follower of Jesus - Evidence of a personal relationship and commitment to Christ. Teacher - Able to communicate effectively one on one, as well as in small and large group settings.

Accreditation by, Ordination or willingness to enter the process of being ordained accredited by, the Church of God Anderson Board of Ministerial Standards and Education.  Ability to think strategically and creatively.  Administrative and organizational skills. Be a part of the Emerging Generation.

$15.000 to $18.000. This is a part-time position. Salary and benefits will be determined based on the experience and education of the successful candidate and in line with current recommendations contained in the by-laws.

For more detailed information, please contact