General Assembly of the Church of God in Michigan

360 September 2025

360 Conference is moving to September! 360 is our premiere opportunity for leaders across Michigan to learn more about themselves and step into more effective ministry. You will hear from ministry leaders on a variety of topics—worship, tech, social media, church governance, evangelism, and more! You will also meet other leaders and volunteers who have similar ministries and be able to share what is working for you. As you drive home, we hope you will leave with new ideas, deeper passion, and encouragement to continue in the ministry Jesus has given you.

Why are we moving 360 Conference to September?
Great question! Several factors led to this decision. First is the weather. The weather in March can be an issue in Michigan. Another factor is the proximity to Easter. Every year, we leave 360 with new ideas we are ready to implement, only to become focused on the celebration of the Resurrection. Moving 360 to September will provide more time for us to explore and implement what we learn. In addition, we are looking at our state calendar as a whole and working to provide balance so we bring our best to each event.

2024 Sessions

360 MLC

His reign in our hearts and churches!

March 16, 2024

8:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.

South Church
Lansing, Michigan

His dominion is an everlasting dominion that will not pass away, and his kingdom is one that will never be destroyed.
- Daniel 7:14b NIV

Points of focus: Jesus as King over our ministries / King of Kings adored in our worship / Kingdom Impact in our communities, Kingdom of God in Contrast to the issues of the world / being Kingdom People, principles & practices Kingdom Warfare, and more!


8:30-9:20 a.m. Registration and continental breakfast

9:30-10:20 a.m. Opening Rally (Live music and First Note)

10:30 - 12:00 p.m. Session #1

12:05 - 1:05 p.m. Lunch

1:10 - 2:40 p.m. Session #2

2:50 - 3:30 p.m. Closing Rally (Live music and End Note)

The King’s Dominion


Session 1 10:30-12:00 PM

Upper Level - Room 214

Marc Danapilis

Rev. Marc Danapilis, The Anchor Church, Stevensville, Michigan

King Jesus IN Us

We are to be imitators and ambassadors for the King. What does that look like? How is that accomplished? It's not through our own efforts, but through Christ IN us. What we believe will be evident in how we live. We, as ambassadors of King Jesus in this world, bear this honorable title and the divine responsibility it entails. This session will help us to magnify Christ IN us.


Session 2 1:10-2:40 PM

Upper Level - Room 214

Jerry Lyon

Rev. Jerry Lyon, New Horizons Community Church, Jackson, Michigan

His Kingdom in Contrast

The Kingdom of God is not limited to borders and boundaries. Jesus turned up in places considered unsavory to many and seemingly inappropriate for the righteousness of the Holy One. There are times to bring the Kingdom of God right into the center of the brokenness of our world. Are we willing to go out and enter in? Can we take the King and his Kingdom to places like he did? If we do, we better be ready for the contrast. Be ready to live alongside those living a life of contradiction to King Jesus, and maybe all we believe.

Kingdom Leadership


Session 1 10:30-12:00 PM

Lower Level - Room 111

Bob Moss

Rev. Bob Moss, First Church, St. Joseph, Michigan

Mission & Vision

Did Jesus have a vision of the Kingdom of God? What is the mission and vision of the Kingdom? What have we been commanded to do and accomplish with our time on earth? This session will help you bring clarity to both concepts of vision and mission. The clearer you are on these two concepts for your church, the more effective you become in building the Kingdom of God.


Session 2 1:10-2:40 PM

Lower Level - Room 111

John Miller

Rev. Dr. John Miller, Oakley Community Church, Oakley, Michigan

Leading Like Jesus

There are many models of leadership in our world, but only one is acceptable for the Church. We've seen far too much leading like corporate America (politics and powerplays) and not enough like first-century Galilee (servanthood and sacrifice). How should we be leading? Who is our model? Why is authority without leadership, tyranny? Getting leadership right in the Church is more than important, it’s an absolute necessity!

Power and Authority


Session 1 10:30-12:00 PM

Upper Level - Room 206

Bernard Drew and Brad Walker

Pastor Bernard Drew and Pastor Brad Walker,
West Court Street Church of God, Flint, Michigan

Kingdom Power: Holiness & Unity

Why does the CHOG emphasize holiness? What does a life of holiness look like? Can we become "more" holy? Unity does not mean complete conformity. We can live together harmoniously and also disagree on things. How do we live a life with personal convictions alongside those with differing opinions and beliefs within the church and the broader Kingdom?


Session 2 1:10-2:40 PM

Upper Level - Room 206

Alex Young

Rev. Alex Young, Calvert Park Community Church of God, Burton, Michigan

The King's Authority: What Truly Reigns in Your Life and Church

Do we have an intimate relationship with the Father or are we riding off of the previous generation dragging us to church? Understanding idolatry and placing our trust and allegiance in the Lord and not the things of man. Are we worshiping the God of the Bible or the God that our Pastors are preaching? Are they one in the same? Are they different? Is our church placing Christ at the center of all of our ministries or are we seeking recognition from our community?

Spiritual Warfare


Session 1 10:30-12:00 PM

Lower Level - Youth Center

Marc & Julia Hoard

Rev. Marc and Julia Hoard, Pine Grove Ministries and Church, Traverse City, Michigan

Kingdom Defense: Sharpening the Sword

The Bible is the weapon against the attacks of the enemy. Diving deeper into the text and discovering the truth. How to properly use Scripture to fight this spiritual war we are in. This session will dive deeper into Ephesians 6 and show how to utilize the full armor of God.


Session 2 1:10-2:40 PM

Lower Level - Youth Center

Rhyan Glezman

Rev. Rhyan Glezman, Community Church of God, Clio, Michigan

Kingdom Offense: Winning the Spiritual Battle

A practical look at the unseen battle that rages between the forces of light and the forces of darkness. The war between righteousness and evil is real, and cannot be avoided. This session is designed to prepare the children of God to wage the forces of darkness and destroy all the works of the devil. At the same time we are to take back territory, and bring the restoration of God to the world around us.

Priorities of the King


Session 1 10:30-12:00 PM

Upper Level - Room 204

Joshua Brandt

Rev. Joshua Brandt, Church of God in Michigan, Lansing, Michigan


What does healthy accountability look like? Understanding the difference between judgment and condemnation. How do we receive accountability? How do we give and receive critique and criticism as helpful and not degrading? This session will help you to not shy away from the very things that will keep you on track for King Jesus!


Session 2 1:10-2:40 PM

Upper Level - Room 204

Emily Sparks

Rev. Emily Sparks, Faith United Church of God, Grand Rapids, Michigan

Rhythms of Rest

Worn out? Looking for an exit from the stress and strain of ministry? What does the Bible say about rest? What does Sabbath truly mean? How do we incorporate rest/sabbath into our weekly schedules? This session will give you a fresh view of the importance of "rest" within the context of ministry.

The King’s Strategy


Session 1 10:30-12:00 PM

Upper Level - Room 202

April Crump

Rev. April Crump, The Hub, Owosso, Michigan

Internal Transformation

Do we want to see heart transformation or are we just pushing character modification? Do we check off the boxes that make "good Christians?" Do you condemn yourself for the things you ought not do? Are you a mature Christian with little patience for those new in Christ not yet fully living the King Jesus lifestyle? Let's look at the gospels and learn how to seek the heart of the King, renew our minds through His Word and prayer. Let's learn about creating an environment where internal transformation is the goal!


Session 2 1:10-2:40 PM

Upper Level - Room 202

Chris Slosser

Rev. Chris Slosser, North Euclid Church of God, Bay City, Michigan

External Demonstration

The next growing experience of our internal transformation is found in demonstrating our love for King Jesus! Serving in His Kingdom is the "more" you're looking for! Learning how to express and demonstrate a life submitted to the King brings greater faith and growth. What next steps do you need to take? How do you start? It's gonna be great!

Anthems of the King


Session 1 10:30-12:00 PM

Lower Level -Fireside Room

Rachel Green

Rev. Rachel Green, First Church Benton Heights Campus, Benton Harbor, Michigan

Worship Outside of Song

Worship ought not be limited to music, to a place or space, or to a scheduled time frame on a Sunday Morning, Sunday Night, or Wednesday Night. What does true worship look like in the every day? How do we switch from weekly worship to living worship? From worship as an event to worship as an on-going living presence?


Session 2 1:10-2:40 PM

Lower Level -Fireside Room

Cameron Kreager

Rev. Cameron Kreager, Pennway Church of God, Lansing, Michigan

Battle Cry of Praise

This will be an extended time of songs, Scripture reading, and praise. Though not the only form of worship, music is an amazingly powerful weapon in spiritual battles! Other forms include scripture memorization, truth catching, harmonious sounds, symphonic structure that rattles the windows and echoes to the heavens. Worship strikes a fear in the Enemy of our souls as God’s people unite as one and shout, "Holy, Holy, holy is the Lord God Almighty!"

Kingdom Minded


Session 1 10:30-12:00 PM

Upper Level - Room 205

Carron Odokara

Rev. Dr. Carron Odokara, Inkster, Michigan

The Importance of Each Role

We are the BODY of CHRIST and every person has an important role in the King's work. How should this analogy work itself out in our congregations? What measures, practices or understandings may be missing in your church that are keeping it from being mindful of the the Kingdom "body" concept? When each part of the body is rightly revered, the health of the body of Christ is reclaimed and a fresh and energizing power is experienced!


Session 2 1:10-2:40 PM

Upper Level - Room 205

Dena Johnson

Dena Johnson, MA, LLPC Community Church of God, Clio, Michigan

Mental Health

Spiritual health and maturity is often inhibited by issues within mental health. In this interactive session, participants will receive an overview of mental health, stigma, and trauma. We will explore how to bring healing and restoration to ourselves and many others by inviting Jesus into our messy and complicated lives.

The King’s Kids Roundtable


Session 1 10:30-12:00 PM

Upper Level - Room 212

Clyde Beaver

Clyde Beaver, Kid Zone Director, Farmington Hills Church of God, Farmington Hills, Michigan

Getting to the WHY before deciding the WHAT and HOW of Children's Ministry - 1st Table

So many times we just need to have a sounding board to work out issues concerning Children's Ministry. We all have questions: "Why aren't parents taking a bigger role in their children's spiritual lives? What can we do to help them see how easy it can be? How do we deal with the ever-increasing battle with devices? What are some guides or handles to decrease their impact on Ministry time? Questions such as these, and more! Bring your questions, ideas, goals, dreams, and your team - Let's talk!


Session 2 1:10-2:40 PM

Upper Level - Room 212

Clyde Beaver

Clyde Beaver, Kid Zone Director, Farmington Hills Church of God, Farmington Hills, Michigan

Getting to the WHY before deciding the WHAT and HOW of Children's Ministry - 2nd Table

The conversation continues! Where and how do you encourage, recruit, and retain adults to serve in Kids Ministry? What do you do when some kids just don't engage? Often times, we have great ideas that are so simple, and yet, go unshared. Let's collaborate and conversate!

The King’s Family


Session 1 10:30-12:00 PM

Upper Level - Room 201

Scott Kuepfer

Rev. Scott Kuepfer, Pennway Church of God, Lansing, Michigan

Among the Ranks

What should being the family of God actually look like? We sing about, "I'm so glad I'm a part of the family of God." Should it be more than lyrics? Why is it important to invest in those outside our age group, friend group, pew family, and comfort zone? There is an untapped power in multi-generational/cross-generational family experiences. The power of testimony, the power of unity, the power of encouragement, to be more connected is what the family of God truly needs!


Session 2 1:10-2:40 PM

Upper Level - Room 201

Jim Sirks

Rev. Jim Sirks, Cornerstone Community Church of God, Colon, Michigan

Across the Spectrum

There is a growing population of families who are dealing with children on the, "spectrum." Some are more functional, others, less. How do we reach, interact with, and support, these families? These families and their children may be limited physically and/or mentally. Many have not been welcomed into church life. What are some ways to include and encourage everyone to help be a part of the family and not on the outside looking in?

Students for the King


Session 1 10:30-12:00 PM

Upper Level - Room 216

Rachel Bird

Rev. Rachel Bird, Pennway Church of God, Lansing, Michigan

Living the Life

Being a Christ following teenager is a BIG deal! It's challenging. It's world defying. It's the opposite of rebellion and not many dare to do it! So, how do you live it out? What does it mean to live under the authority and dominion of King Jesus? How can you reflect the Jesus you say you love? Where does accountability with others and the Holy Spirit fit into your daily walk? Come find out all this and more!

Next Gen Kingdom Leaders


Session 2 1:10-2:40 PM

Upper Level - Room 216

Rachel Bird

Rev. Rachel Bird, Pennway Church of God, Lansing, Michigan

Called to Authenticity

Students crave transparency and consistency from those who lead them. They want to know we're not faking it. They want to see us living out what we preach, teach, and say. They want consistency in our presence. They want, AUTHENTICITY! We demonstrate much of who God is as we interact with them. So how are we who lead students, growing and becoming like King Jesus, walking in His ways?

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Session Descriptions

Bulletin Insert

Class/Session Selection Slip

Registration (PDF)

Registration -

Online Registration with Credit Card

If paying with a credit card, use this online registration. Once you select the number of persons attending a particular session, type their names in the notes section.

Registration Using PayPal

If you prefer paying with PayPal, complete this PDF registration form and email If you have trouble completing the form, email the names, session IDs, and if gluten free.

Registration Form (PDF)

After you add your church name and city, select 'Buy Now,' and then give the total number of persons once on PayPal's webpage. Thank you.

Church Name and City

Registration with Check

If you prefer paying with a check, complete this PDF registration form and email If you have trouble completing the form, email the names, session IDs, and if gluten free.

Registration Form (PDF)

Presented by -

Rev. April Crump, Pastor at The Hub in Owosso

Rev. Cameron Kreager, Worship Pastor at Pennway Church of God in Lansing

Mrs. Erin Glezman, Community Church of God in Clio

Mrs. Debb Lyon, New Horizons Community Church in Jackson

First Lady Sharon Richardson, Pennway Church of God in Lansing

Rev. Mark Staton II, Pastor at New Creation Church of God in Flint

Rev. Robert Tramel, Pastor at Crossroads Church of God in Howell

Rev. Jerry Lyon, Church Health Minister and Pastor at New Horizons Community Church in Jackson

Rev. Mark K. Richardson, State Pastor

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